Friday, May 18, 2012

Life without computer

First of all, with no computer or internet to retreat to, the temporarily computer-deprived person finds hours to rediscover personal interests. The stack of books on the bedside table looks inviting again. He can go to the library and find the books that he is interested in reading. Then, the computer-free person rediscovers hobbies and crafts projects abandoned months ago. He can finally dust off that old armchair that has needed repair for many years. In addition, instead of procrastinating with completing that overdue report, the guilt-ridden person starts making notes by hand._ Moreover, in doing so, rediscover the old art of handwriting_.
Second, each person who has ever suffered computer- loss realizes the same thing: not all that household work went away; it is just waiting to be tackled. _ He can start to clean the stuff that is left behind like, wash the dishes, clean the floor and do the laundry._ They check out those pages of to do lists. Checking the mailbox and cooking the meal and organizing closets, drawers, and CD and DVD collections suddenly looks like an idea whose time has come. Organizing them in order neatly so that they can be easily found in the future is a worthwhile task.
Finally, and probably most important, life without a computer leads to rediscovering other people. Instead of lurking at a desk in the cool glow of a screen, the tech-free person starts spending time with others in the house. He begins to rediscover the lost art of cooking, listening to music and exercising. Moreover, simple social pastimes like board games and cards start to be fun again. He can once again discover favorite old family pastimes. Because there is no itch to check the inbox, and no distracting websites to view, the urge to actually go out and see friends suddenly seems appealing. He can visit a friend not seen for a long time and go shopping together or go to the theater.

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